Court Single View

Court Single View

Here, the selected court can be viewed. The large court image is displayed on the left. If there is no large image for this court, the small image will appear here. On the right side, the detailed description appears for the court. 


Below that, the calendar for the court may be shown. In the backend, the administrator can decide for the court overview menu links, if the single view for the courts should have a calendar or not.

frontend einzelansicht kalender

The colors for each day indicate if a day still has bookable slots for the court. If you click a day, you will see the timeslots for the court for the clicked day. The colors of the timeslots also indicate if the timeslot is bookable or not. Clicking a still bookable timeslot, the user will get to the booking form booking form.

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+41 44 586 00 18

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