Frontend views
The frontend essentially consists of three parts:
There are three court overviews that can be used to list courts of a category. These contain links to single court views and/or the booking form. Information that is displayed include the title, difficulty, overview image and short description. The court titles and the overview images can be linked to the single court view.
In the Single Court View a more detailed image for the court can be viewed, as well as the detailed description. Beneath these elements, a calendar can be placed. Using the calendar, the user can view what days the court can still be booked (green or yellow colors). If the user clicks on a day, a day view is displayed next to the calendar. All timeslots that can be booked for the selected court and day are displayed. If the timeslot is still bookable, the user can click it. A booking form opens for that combination of day and court.
Using this form the user can reserve a timeslot for the selected court. After sending the form, the user will receive an email with a link. Clicking the link, the user can confirm the reservation.